Nutri Master Bain Syrup Tuna Fish Oil Syrup Provides DHA 70% and Multivitamin. Bain Syrup strengthens the development of the brain.
Nutri Master Bain Syrup Tuna Fish Oil Syrup Provides DHA 70% and Multivitamin. Bain Syrup strengthens the development of the brain, nervous system and eyesight of children Makes learning faster, has good memory, high concentration To be creative Clear brain, energetic Nourish the body, strengthen growth Key substances This product provides omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids such as EPA and DHA. In one tablespoon (15 ml.) contains 250 mg of tuna oil. Contains polyunsaturated fatty acids Provide Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 175 mg. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 25 mg. L-Glutamic acid 100. mg. Vitamin A 1000 international units Vitamin D 100 International units Vitamin E 5 mg Vitamin B1 0.7 mg Vitamin B2 0.85 mg Vitamin B3 8 mg Vitamin B6 0.35 mg Vitamin B12 2 mcg. serving size Take 1 tablespoon (15 ml) daily after meals.