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Flamingo Compact Spinal Brace S, M, L, XL
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Flamingo Compact Spinal Brace Get high quality and durable orthopaedic product from Flamingo delivered to your address at bests.

Country of Origin : India

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Brand: Flamingo
Categories: Devices & Equipment
Tags: Flamingo Compact ,Compact Spinal Brace ,Spinal Brace

Flamingo Compact Spinal Brace

Get high quality and durable orthopaedic product from Flamingo delivered to your address at bests. All kind of braces, supports, belts, splints available in different sizes. Choose as per your requirement.

  • Relieves sciatica pain caused by slipped cartilage and pressure on the nerves of the lower extremities of the back.
  • It supports and tightens the muscles of the body, straightens the back and walks properly.
  • Straighten the vertebrae by separating them by the air stretched inside the belt.
  • It relieves numbness, tingling and muscle cramps and gives a feeling of relaxation and rest.
  • Reduces the burden on the slipped cartilage between the vertebrae and returns them to their correct position.
  • It prevents exposure to cartilaginous slides for people who drive the car for extended periods of time.
  • Relieves bumps of cartilage, cervical, sacral and lumbar vertebrae.
  • Relieves neck pain and prevents ligaments from over stress.
  • Relieves pain resulting from surgeries.
  • for weakened dorso - lumber spine due to tuberculoisis , mild thoracolumbar injury , herniated disc , post -operative rehabilitation .
  • Helps provido support , copmpression and immobilization of spine.
  • Made of breathable fabric with lumber pad.
  • Easy application

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