Flamingo Cervical Traction Universal is used on Spondylolysis. Spondylolysis is the defect between joints of vertebrae and characterized by pain. Main cause of Spondylolysis is stress or constant over stretching of spine.
This defect can lead to stress fractures (breaks) in the vertebrae that can weaken the bones so much that one slips out of place, a condition called spondylolisthesis. Treatment of Spondylolysis includes medication, physical therapy, exercise or collar and back supports may be used.
Therapies will help to increase pain-free movement, improve flexibility and muscle strength hence gives you speedy recovery. Provides traction to the cervical and upper dorsal vertebras. It relieves pressure by stretching the musculature and connective tissue components of the cervical spine.
Provided with head holder, spreader bar, pulley set and cord of 1. 5 mt length. Soft padded head halter provides a comfortable interface for the traction hence extra comfort.